We gather again beacause we remember. We remember what happened. We remember those that fought. We remember those that died. And we remember those that kept that memory alive: Marek Edelman, Jacek Kuroń, Zofia Kuratowska, Anka Kowalska, Lechosław Goździk, Mirosław Sawicki, Symcha Rotem Rathajzer alias „Kazik”, Noemi Korsan, Chawka Raban, Julia Hartwig and many others.
Like Marek Edelman, we see the commemoration of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising as a matter of grassroots social memory. We do not want to and cannot take part in official celebration as they are full of empty national rhetoric. We want the memory of the ghetto uprising to be independent of national and political interests. That is why we meet every year to create a community of living social memory and to include the next generation in it. Be with us on this day, bring your family, friends, colleagues!
When: April 19, 2024, at 12:00
Where: Józefa Lewartowskiego 6, Szmul M. Zygielbojm Monument
Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday: 12.00 – 14.00
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: closed