24 March marks one month since the barbaric invasion of Russia on Ukraine had begun. Ukraine is resisting Russia’s militarily aggression with determination, showing extraordinary military skills. In Ukraine, hundreds of children, women, elderly and people with disabilities are dying under the bombs and shelling of Russian barbarians. Ukrainian soldiers are dying, as well as men and women who joined the Territorial Defence units, fighting with devotion and belief in their right to own country. Putin, overcome with the desire to annihilate Ukraine as a state, after a failed attempt to conquer Ukraine within 48 hours, ordered the bombing of residential areas, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, including maternity hospitals.

The symbol of Russian obstinacy is the siege of Mariupol, now referred to as the ‘new Aleppo’. The civilian population of the town is treated like hostages. 400 thousand inhabitants – for already four weeks – are deprived of water, heating, gas, medicines and medical supplies. The ‘corridors of life’ – that have been negotiated by the parties at war – from Mariupol, and other cities, are being shelled by the Russian military.

3 million Ukrainian citizens, mainly mothers with children, have been forced to leave their home country, finding shelter in Ukraine’s neighbouring countries, most of them in Poland.

The military and humanitarian aid, as well as the support which most of the free world states have so far provided Ukraine, appear to be insufficient in view of the crimes against humanity and the destruction caused cruelty and cynicism of Russia and Putin.

We appeal to the members states of the European Union, the European Parliament, and the governments of the United States and Canada to take urgent decisions that will enable the fastest possible military defeat of Russia’s barbaric aggression and the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. Every day, every hour, every minute of delay in taking these decisions means loss of life and untold suffering for millions.

We call for an urgent special path to grant Ukraine membership in the European Union. Today, Ukraine is halting the expansion of evil that already exists on the border of the European Union, and Putin is making real threats to invade the borders of the Union.

We call on the NATO member states to open for Ukraine the way to membership in the NATO, the Alliance whose aim is to ensure freedom and security to all its members. Ukraine’s victory over Russia will become a victory of Europe and the whole free world, in which the supreme values are: life, dignity and the well-being of every human being.

The signatories of this appeal are civil and non-governmental organisations operating in Poland, which have been engaged in cooperation with Ukrainian communities and NGOs for years. Our cooperation, which has lasted since 1991, serves to support and share our experience in building a democratic, open and European Ukraine. Today, we watch in horror and great pain as the Russian aggressor implements its barbaric plan to destroy the country and its people. We recognise that it is our right and moral duty to address our Appeal to the governments and societies of the free world:

By uniting the efforts of the European Community and the free world, let us support the fighting Ukraine, let us say – No! to Russian barbarism and Putin’s cynicism!

Warsaw, March 22, 2022
Civic Committee of Solidarity with Ukraine
Ukrainian Historical Society in Poland
Association of Ukrainians in Poland
FemGlobal. Kobiety w polityce międzynarodowej, Wrocław
Forum Długiego Stołu, Warszawa
Fundacja Borussia, Dom Mendelsohna, Olsztyn
Fundacja dla Polski, Warszawa
Fundacja Edukacji Parlamentarnej, Warszawa
Fundacja Edukacyjna Jacka Kuronia, Warszawa
Fundacja Inicjatyw Menedżerskich, Lublin
Fundacja Kalejdoskop Kultur, Wrocław
Fundacja Kultury Duchowej Pogranicza, Lublin
Fundacja Liderzy Przemian, Warszawa
Fundacja Nasz Wybór, Warszawa
Fundacja Nowy Staw, Lublin
Fundacja Ośrodka KARTA, Warszawa
Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego
Fundacja Sempre a Frente, Lublin
Fundacja Szczęśliwe Dzieciństwo, Lublin
Fundacja Teren Otwarty, Lublin
Fundacja TRANS KULTURA, Lublin
Fundacja UNITERS, Warszawa
Grupa Mowa Żywa, Włodawa
Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego, Wrocław
Komitet Obrony Demokracji, Region Mazowsze
Konwent Współpracy Samorządowej Polska-Ukraina
Małopolskie Towarzystwo Oświatowe, Nowy Sącz
Ośrodek Integracji Obcokrajowców “myBB” w Bielsku-Białej
Otwarta Rzeczpospolita – Stowarzyszenie przeciw Antysemityzmowi i Ksenofobii, Warszawa
Płast – Ukraińska Organizacja Skautowa w Polsce
Polsko-Ukraińsko-Kanadyjska Fundacja Stypendialna KALYNA, Bielsko Biała
Stowarzyszenie „Podlaski Instytut Naukowy”, Bielsk Podlaski,
Stowarzyszenie Centrum Współpracy Polska-Wschód, Lublin
Stowarzyszenie Dialog Społeczny, Warszawa
Stowarzyszenie Festiwal Brunona Schulza w Lublinie
Stowarzyszenie Homo Faber, Lublin
Stowarzyszenie Panorama Kultur, Wojsławice
Stowarzyszenie Samorządów Euroregionu “Bug”, Chełm
Stowarzyszenie Wolnego Słowa, Warszawa
Stowarzyszenie Wspólnota Kulturowa “Borussia”
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Bielska-Białej i Podbeskidzia, Bielsko-Biała
Towarzystwo Ukraińskie, Lublin
Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław