Open Republic – Association against Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia was established in 1999 as an expression of the need to counteract xenophobic and anti-Semitic prejudice reappearing in the Polish public life.
The basic goals of the Association include promotion of the attitude of openness and respect for persons and groups of a different ethnic, national, religious, cultural or social identification and counteracting any forms of racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and other attitudes harmful to human dignity.
Actions taken by us:
- we initiate and support educational actions preventing dissemination of stereotypes and prejudice against “aliens”, teaching respect for ethnic, religious, and world outlook differences, and providing information on the multi-ethnic sources of Polish culture;
- we document manifestations of ethnic, religious, and racial prejudice and we bring them to the attention of the public opinion, state administration, media, churches, and social, scientific and cultural associations;
- we take intervention steps, including legal steps, in the cases of dissemination – in the press, books, television or radio – of anti-Semitic or xenophobic slogans, ideas or attitudes;
- we attempt to bring to the attention of representatives of judicial authorities and public opinion the need of observance by Poland of the international conventions imposing persecuting of manifestations of racism and xenophobia;
- we promote our goals and ideals by organizing open meetings, lectures, and discussions and by initiating press releases and book publications, as well as placing information on our website;
- we support civic initiatives for tolerance; we cooperate with the institutions and associations, which realize similar goals.
Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday: 12.00 – 14.00
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: closed