European Network of Antiracist Movements (EGAM), the member of which is the Open Republic, initiated in March an open letter of Euro-deputies on genocide, in which they undertake to prevent and struggle against negating this dramatic phenomenon.

Our Association took steps aimed at mobilizing Polish deputies, senators and Euro-deputies to sign this appeal. We sent letters with this request to all parliamentary clubs, to the members of Human Rights Commission and to the secretariats of the parties which are responsible for servicing Euro-deputies. Appeal was signed by 75 signatories from 31 countries, of which 56 Euro-deputies from 20 countries and 119 deputies from 24 countries. From all Polish deputies and Euro-deputies, only four persons signed this letter! They are: Euro-deputies Professor Danuta Huebner, Michał Boni and deputies Marcin Święcicki and Jan Klawiter