“The members of the Open Republic Association are deeply concerned about the planned passing by the Polish Senate of the resolution honoring the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Komitet Samoobrony Polskiej [Polish Self-defense Committee] (print no. 600, 22.09.2017). (…) Passing by the Polish Senate of the resolution honoring the organization which openly spread hatred toward all minorities and anti-Semitic, will be yet another step to falsify the Polish history of the 20th century. The draft resolution fits well in the series of events, which are supposed to implement this falsification; one of the most striking elements of it is the recent resolution of the Polish Parliament honoring Brygada Świętokrzyska NSZ [The Holy Cross Mountains Brigade – did nor merge with the Home Army and was accused of collaboration with the Nazis]”.

On behalf of the Association the statement was signed by Paula Sawicka – the Chairwoman of the Program Board and by Marek Gumkowski – President of the Management Board.