The Open Republic filed on 26 July 2017 a notification with the prosecutor’s office on the possibility of committing an offence consisting in distribution, via the cover of Gazeta Polska (no. 30 of 26 July 2017) presenting the persons with a different skin color, religion and origin standing along the autopsy tables; this drawing illustrates the feature entitled “The refugees brought terminal diseases”. The picture and the article violate the Polish Penal Code in the part relating to hate speech, i.e. Art. 256 and 257 of PC.

– The picture and the article violate the Polish Penal Code. We are of the opinion that this cover not only offends persons with a different skin color, religion and national or ethnic origin and incites hatred, but also – by its title – promotes the fascist regime relating to the propaganda of the Third Reich and the notorious propaganda poster showing Jews as the carriers of the plague, typhus fever and lice – said Damian Wutke, the secretary of our association in the conversation with Presservice.