On January 27 is the 72nd anniversary of liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. An anniversary of the sweet and sour event. Today, over seventy years from the end of the cruel war and unprecedented homicide, we witness nationalisms raising their head again and increasing hostility toward people with a different skin color or denomination. Some people already raise alarm and warn that what happens before our eyes reminds them what they saw in the thirties of the twentieth century. Others calm them down stating that human race learns from its mistakes and there’s no need to panic. We do not know a clear answer to the question whether the phenomena which we observe and notice have already exceeded an invisible borderline of inadmissible things, have we exceeded the point from which there is no return, is it time to alarm or maybe it is too late for this?

Discussion Never again? – on the phenomenon of racism and xenophobia will take place in the Szczecin monastery of Dominicans on February 5, 2017 on 17:00. Organizers are Refugees Szczecin group and Open Republic Association.

Panel participants: Paula Sawicka, Konstanty Gebert, Maciej Biskup OP, moderator Radosław Ptaszyński.